About The Marketing & Sales Company

Established in April 2021 by Steven Smail, The Marketing & Sales Company (TMSC) specialises in helping small to medium-size companies with all aspects of sales, marketing, funding, and recruitment. With more than 30 years of experience in the industry, we are ideally placed to take your business to the next level, whether you’re a small business that just starting or you’re looking to boost your sales and visibility. Get in touch today to discover more.

The Marketing & Sales Company

Why Choose Us?

Combining knowledge and experience with innovative thinking, structured marketing, and a sale process that has proven results, we provide exceptional results for your business. Having worked with many different clients in the past, we understand that every company is uniquely shaped by its workers and so every client’s needs are different.

Marketing is crucial to your business because marketing generates sales, which power your business’ success. Our marketing consultants are ideally placed to coordinate with the sales and marketing sides of your business and not only provide a winning strategy, but also fresh ideas and ongoing training for your employees.

Looking for Help with Marketing?

Our sales and marketing consultancy services are backed by knowledge and experience.

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